It is interesting to learn things from scratch. Coming from Ruby background, I was curious what is the equivalent of Sinatra in Elixir. It’s called Plug. It is what Phoenix build on top of.
Using Sinatra, we can write a quick and simple web server with the following code:
require 'sinatra'
require 'json'
get '/' do
content_type :json
JSON({message: "Hello World"})
How can we achive that in Elixir? With Plug
and Cowboy
NOTE: This article is based on Elixir v1.7.3
First of all, let’s create a mix
project and change directory into it.
mix new sample_app
cd sample_app
Open mix.exs
file with your favourite editor. And add the dependencies as
defp deps do
{:cowboy, "~> 2.0"},
{:plug, "~> 1.0"}
# {:dep_from_hexpm, "~> 0.3.0"},
# {:dep_from_git, git: "", tag: "0.1.0"},
We add Plug
and Cowboy
as dependencies because Cowboy
act as a web server and
on the other hand, act as a connection adapter to the web server.
Before we proceed, let’s get all the dependencies first by running the following command:
mix deps.get
Using Plug
can be complicated if we don’t understand it. The
best way to understand it, is to, read the documentation (In fact, all the
steps mentioned above and below are already available in the documentation).
So to get a taste of how Plug
works, let’s just copy and paste the code from
the documentation and make some changes. Let’s create lib/my_plug.ex
and add in the code.
touch lib/my_plug.ex
defmodule SampleApp.MyPlug do
import Plug.Conn
def init(options) do
# initialize options
def call(conn, _opts) do
|> put_resp_content_type("text/plain")
|> send_resp(200, "Hello world")
Let’s try to run the code.
iex -S mix
iex(1)> {:ok, _} = Plug.Adapters.Cowboy2.http SampleApp.MyPlug, []
Now let’s go and visit http://localhost:4000.
You should be able to see a “Hello World” on your browser.
We just start the cowboy
web server in iex
, by passing it our Plug
and []
empty arguments.
That’s all
Yes, you have wrote a simple web server using Elixir.
Wait, wait, but how can I run my server through command line? I have to run
iex -S mix
and start the Cowboy
server manually every time?
Nope. We can make it an OTP application. So that we just need to run mix run --no-halt
or iex -S mix
and the cowboy
server will boot up itself.
Basic of OTP Application
OTP application is basically a component that has predefined behaviour. It can
be started, loaded or stopped. To create an OTP application in Elixir, we
use the Application
module and implements some of the expected behavior. For
more you can always refer to the documentation of Application.
So let’s create a simple application first.
touch lib/app.ex
defmodule SampleApp.App do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
IO.puts "Starting application"
children = []
Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
Now if you run mix run --no-halt
, you still won’t see the “Starting
application” output yet. This is because we haven’t configure our mix.exs
To make mix
run our application, we have to add the following code into
def application do
extra_applications: [:logger],
mod: {SampleApp.App, []} # Add in this line of code
Now, if we run mix run --no-halt
, we can finally see the “Starting
application…” output. It also means we have sucessfully start an OTP
Starting Cowboy Server automatically
Remember how we run our cowboy
server in iex
iex -S mix
iex(1)> {:ok, _} = Plug.Adapters.Cowboy2.http SampleApp.MyPlug, []
Now after knowing how to start our OTP application with mix run --no-halt
iex -S mix
, we need to start our cowboy
server after our application is
To do this, we need to modify the start/2
method in the app.ex
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
# Define workers and child supervisors to be supervised
Plug.Adapters.Cowboy2.child_spec(scheme: :http, plug: SampleApp.MyPlug, options: [port: 4000])
Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
What we are doing here is to specify the child spec of the child process, which
is our cowboy
. A child specification basically tell the supervisor how to
start, restart or shutdown the child process. The above code is also mentioned
in the documentation of Plug under Supervised handlers.
Now, if we run the mix run --no-halt
, and visit http://localhost:4000.
Our web application is now online.
If you’re a beginner to OTP or Elixir, there are a lots of stuff underneath that I didn’t cover well. This is my first blog post on Elixir. It might be lacking. So here are some other resources you can refer to:
The source code of the project is available at GitHub.
- To be honest, Elixir School does a better job in explaining this topic. The way I’m writing is based on how my thought process flow, so it might be different and unstructured. This post also covers less topics about using Plug compared to Elixir School.