
Apr 04, 2022

Writing a mini Redis server in Elixir

Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes (2456 words)

In the previous post, we wrote a simple Redis Protocol specification (RESP) parser. That’s just a small part towards to build a mini Redis. Let’s continue writing the other parts needed for our mini Redis server.

Here’s how the overall architecture looks like:

Redis CLI <-> Redis Server (TCP) <-> RESP Parser
              Key Value Store

We will use redis-cli as the Redis client and write the following parts:

Here’s the structure of this post:

This post is inspired by Rust Tokio Mini-Redis Tutorial, where it walks through the reader to implement a mini Redis with tokio. This post is part of the series of implementing mini Redis in Elixir:


Before we get started, if you’re unfamiliar with the following: GenServer, ETS and gen_tcp, I’ll recommend you to work through the the official Elixir Guide: Mix and OTP section. Specifically on the following topics:

We’ll work on top of the implementation of the TCP server from the guide. We will convert it from an echo TCP server to a Redis TCP server and write a KV store with GenServer and ETS.

We will be using redis-cli as our Redis client. So, make sure you have redis installed as well. In MacOS, you can install by running:

brew install redis

Setting up our Mix project

First, let’s setup a Mix project and add the necessary files.

mix new mini_redis --sup

We will add our RESP parser code we implemented later as needed.

Writing a key value store with GenServer and ETS

Writing a KV store with ets wrapped with GenServer is pretty straightforward. We will just wrap the following ets functions around our module:

Since we don’t want GenServer mailbox to be the bottleneck of our ets, we expose it through a normal module function instead of a GenServer callback such as handle_call and handle_cast. We only need to implement the init callback for our GenServer.

Here’s how the code in lib/mini_redis/kv.ex;

defmodule MiniRedis.KV do
  use GenServer
  require Logger

  @table :kv

  def start_link(opts) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: __MODULE__)

  def get(key) do
    case :ets.lookup(@table, key) do
      [{^key, value}] -> {:ok, value}
      _ -> {:error, :not_found}

  def set(key, value) do
    :ets.insert(@table, {key, value})

  def delete(key) do
    :ets.delete(@table, key)

  # GenServer callbacks
  @impl true
  def init(opts) do
    pid =, [:set, :named_table, :public])"Starting KV with ETS table #{pid}...")
    {:ok, opts}

It should be pretty much self explanatory and easy to understand since we are just building a wrapper around it.

Why do we need to wrap ets in a GenServer module instead of a normal module?

This is because our ets process is stateful and it need to be owned by a process. Hence, we will need GenServer as our parent process for the ets.

Here’s how the ets documentation describe it:

Each table is created by a process. When the process terminates, the table is automatically destroyed. Every table has access rights set at creation.

We will need to have our application supervisor start it, let’s update our code in lib/mini_redis/application.ex:

children = [
  # Starts a worker by calling: MiniRedis.Worker.start_link(arg)
  # {MiniRedis.Worker, arg}
+ MiniRedis.KV

Our KV store is now done. Let’s start writing our Redis server.

Writing a mini Redis server

A mini Redis server is a TCP server that can parse RESP request and send RESP response. It performs the operation of storing or retrieving key value pairs as requested.

Hence, to write a mini Redis server, it means that we need to:

Let’s start with the first step.

Writing a TCP server with gen_tcp

We will reused the echo TCP server code from the Elixir official guide on gen_tcp.

In lib/mini_redis/server.ex:

defmodule MiniRedis.Server do
  require Logger

  def accept(port) do
    # The options below mean:
    # 1. `:binary` - receives data as binaries (instead of lists)
    # 2. `packet: :line` - receives data line by line
    # 3. `active: false` - blocks on `:gen_tcp.recv/2` until data is available
    # 4. `reuseaddr: true` - allows us to reuse the address if the listener crashes
    {:ok, socket} =
      :gen_tcp.listen(port, [:binary, packet: :line, active: false, reuseaddr: true])"Accepting connections on port #{port}")

  defp loop_acceptor(socket) do
    {:ok, client} = :gen_tcp.accept(socket)

  defp serve(socket) do
    |> read_line()
    |> write_line(socket)


  defp read_line(socket) do
    {:ok, data} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket, 0)

  defp write_line(line, socket) do
    :gen_tcp.send(socket, line)

Everything is just an exact copy pasta from Elixir official guides. Next, let’s add it as the children of our application supervisor, in lib/mini_redis/application.ex:

children = [
   # Starts a worker by calling: MiniRedis.Worker.start_link(arg)
   # {MiniRedis.Worker, arg}
+  {Task, fn -> MiniRedis.Server.accept(String.to_integer(System.get_env("PORT") || "6379")) end}

We can test it by running the following in our terminal:

telnet localhost 6379

and you’ll see the following output in your console:

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

you can enter any message and it’ll reply back the same message you send:

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

You can exit telnet by using Ctrl + ] and type in close.

Simple enough thanks to the amazing official Elixir guide. Now, let’s make it become a little bit more like a mini Redis server.

Integrating our parser into the TCP server

Now that we have a working TCP server, the next step would be integrating the parser we wrote previously into our TCP server.

Let’s add the parser we have wrote to our current project. In lib/mini_redis/parser.ex:

defmodule Parser do
  def encode(commands) when is_list(commands) do
    result = "*#{length(commands)}\r\n"

    Enum.reduce(commands, result, fn command, result ->
      result <> "$#{String.length(command)}\r\n#{command}\r\n"

  def decode(string) when is_binary(string) do
    %{commands: commands} =
      |> String.trim()
      |> String.split("\r\n")
      |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn reply, state ->
        case reply do
          "*" <> length ->
            |> Map.put(:type, "array")
            |> Map.put(:array_length, String.to_integer(length))

          "$" <> length ->
            |> Map.put(:type, "bulk_string")
            |> Map.put(:bulk_string_length, String.to_integer(length))

          value ->
            value = String.trim(value)
            Map.update(state, :commands, [value], fn list -> [value | list] end)


This is the first step to make our echo TCP server to become a minimally working Redis server.

Before integrating the parser, let’s recap a bit. Redis client send multiple lines of input as a command to communicate with the Redis server.

The parser we wrote assumed that we will received a full complete lines of input that can form a command. However, that’s not the case of our TCP server. Each line is received on its own. This mean that, during the read_line our TCP server, we will received the following:

line 1: *3\r\n
line 2: $3\r\n
line 3: SET\r\n
line 4: $5\r\n
line 5: mykey\r\n
line 6: $3\r\n
line 7: foo\r\n

instead of:

line 1: *3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$5\r\nmykey\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n

To see this in action, we are going to hardcode some implementation for demonstration purpose. The first step we want to achieve is to return OK for every set command that our Redis server received.

Let’s update our helper function to suit our needs:

   defp read_line(socket) do
-    {:ok, data} = :gen_tcp.recv(socket, 0)
-    data
+    :gen_tcp.recv(socket, 0)

-  defp write_line(line, socket) do
+  defp reply(socket) do
-    :gen_tcp.send(socket, line)
+    :gen_tcp.send(socket, "+OK\r\n")

Here we rename our write_line to reply and hardcoded it to return +OK\r\n, which is what is expected by the Redis client on successful set command.

Next, let’s update our loop_acceptor and serve function:

defp loop_acceptor(socket) do
  {:ok, client} = :gen_tcp.accept(socket)
  serve(client, 0)

# Added a count state, so we could keep track how many lines
# of input we have received so far.
defp serve(socket, count) do
  case read_line(socket) do
    {:ok, data} ->
      count = count + 1
      IO.inspect(data, label: "line #{count}")

      # Since we know a SET command always have 7 lines,
      # we hardcoded this logic for the time being so that
      # it reply to the client correctly.
      # Without doing so, our client will end up being timeout.
      if count == 7 do
        serve(socket, 0)
        serve(socket, count)
    {:error, reason} ->"Receive error: #{inspect(reason)}")

We just hardcoded the implementation to stop and reply OK when we receive 7 parts. Notice that, this time we also logged the error message if there’s any. This is important as, once our client receive the response, the connection will be closed by the client, and result in error.

Let’s see what we got so far:

# In terminal
mix run --no-halt

# In another terminal
redis-cli SET key value

Here’s the output you’ll see:

# Terminal 1
╰─➤ mix run --no-halt

21:38:42.808 [info]  Starting KV with ETS table kv...

21:38:42.812 [info]  Accepting connections on port 6379

line 1: "*3\r\n"
line 2: "$3\r\n"
line 3: "SET\r\n"
line 4: "$3\r\n"
line 5: "key\r\n"
line 6: "$5\r\n"
line 7: "value\r\n"

21:38:47.785 [info]  Receive error: :closed

# Terminal 2
╰─➤  redis-cli SET key value

From here, there are multiple ways we could implement the integration between our parser and our TCP server. Here’s some of the way I could think of:

I’ll leave this part as a practice for anyone who are interested to get their hands dirty.

Purposely left blank for those who want to implement themselves

For the ease of implementation, I’ll go with the first approach, so instead of tracking the count, we will track the previous lines in our state:

defp loop_acceptor(socket) do
  {:ok, client} = :gen_tcp.accept(socket)
  serve(client, "")

defp serve(socket, state) do
  case read_line(socket) do
    {:ok, data} ->
      # Append the line to the end.
      state = state <> data

      # Notice that our return value for our parser have changed.
      # Now we are expecting a tuple, to let us know whether
      # the commands is decoded successfully or is still incomplete.
      case Parser.decode(state) do
        {:ok, commands} ->
          IO.inspect(commands, label: "commands")
          serve(socket, "")

        {:incomplete, _} ->
          serve(socket, state)

    {:error, reason} ->"Receive error: #{inspect(reason)}")

Here, we are parsing the line every time a new part of the command is received, until all the parts required arrived to be form a command. In the event of incomplete command, our parser will have to let us know, so our TCP server continue to listen to incoming messages.

Here’s the changes for the parser:

defmodule Parser do
  def encode(commands) when is_list(commands) do
    # remain the same...

  def decode(string) when is_binary(string) do
    state =
      |> String.trim()
      |> String.split("\r\n")
      |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn reply, state ->
        case reply do
          "*" <> length ->
            |> Map.put(:type, "array")
            |> Map.put(:array_length, String.to_integer(length))
            |> Map.update(:commands, [], fn list -> list end)

          "$" <> length ->
            |> Map.put(:type, "bulk_string")
            |> Map.put(:bulk_string_length, String.to_integer(length))
            |> Map.update(:commands, [], fn list -> list end)

          value ->
            value = String.trim(value)
            Map.update(state, :commands, [value], fn list -> [value | list] end)

    if length(state.commands) == state.array_length do
      {:ok, Enum.reverse(state.commands)}
      {:incomplete, state}

Pretty straightforward, we check the expected command length with the commands length we received so far. If it’s the same, it means that we receive all the parts we need for the command and return the commands. Else, we just let the caller know that it’s incomplete.

While this work well, it’s not the most efficient implementation as we are parsing the line every single time on every new incoming new line.

To see our latest progress:

# In terminal
mix run --no-halt

# In another terminal
redis GET key
redis-cli SET key value

Here’s the output of my terminal:

╰─➤  mix run --no-halt

21:51:59.237 [info]  Starting KV with ETS table kv...

21:51:59.241 [info]  Accepting connections on port 6379
commands: ["GET", "key"]

21:52:00.965 [info]  Receive error: :closed
commands: ["SET", "key", "value"]

21:52:05.080 [info]  Receive error: :closed

Once we have the commands, the rest is fairly straightforward to integrate. If you’re up to the challenge, try to write the code your own!

Purposely left blank for those who want to implement themselves

Integrating our Redis Server with KV store

Since we have the commands now, all we need to do is just match our commands to the action we need to call in our KV store.

Let’s first update our reply function to make suit our need:

defp reply(socket, data) do
  :gen_tcp.send(socket, data)

This allow us to send different response based on the returned value we get from our KV store. Next, we’ll implement a handle_command function:

defp handle_command(socket, command) do
  case command do
    ["SET", key, value] ->
      MiniRedis.KV.set(key, value)
      reply(socket, "+OK\r\n")

    ["GET", key] ->
      case MiniRedis.KV.get(key) do
        {:ok, value} -> reply(socket, "+#{value}\r\n")
        {:error, :not_found} -> reply(socket, "$-1\r\n")

Notice that here we return $-1\r\n to indicate nil value to our Redis client, according to the RESP protocol spec.

Lastly, calling handle_command in our serve function:

defp serve(socket, state) do
  case read_line(socket) do
    {:ok, data} ->
      state = state <> data

      case Parser.decode(state) do
        {:ok, command} ->
          handle_command(socket, command)
          serve(socket, "")

        {:incomplete, _} ->
          serve(socket, state)

    {:error, reason} ->"Receive error: #{inspect(reason)}")

We have integrated our Redis server with both the RESP parser and our KV store. It now supports the basic get and set commands. Let’s see it in action:

mix run --no-halt

In another terminal:

╭─kai at Kais-MacBook-Pro.local ~
╰─➤  redis-cli SET key value
╭─kai at Kais-MacBook-Pro.local ~
╰─➤  redis-cli GET key
╭─kai at Kais-MacBook-Pro.local ~
╰─➤  redis-cli GET unfound

Voila, our mini Redis server is done!

What’s next?

We have completed the basic functionality of a Redis server. However, it’s still very far behind from the real Redis server. For example, how does our mini Redis perform against the real Redis?

In the next post, we will find out how well our implementation is doing with synthetic benchmarking. Along the way, we will discovered the limitations of our current implementation, make some changes and tweak some configurations to make it more performant. (Hint: is about concurrency)

Thanks for reading until the end and, hopefully, I can see you in my next post!