
Apr 28, 2022

Writing a custom Vim Command

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes (971 words)

Recently I have been implementing B+ Tree on disk in Rust, and require to inspect the data structure a lot while debugging. So a lot of time, I’ll be print debugging:

println!("{:?}", node);

Since B+ Tree operations often involve several phases, I have to do this a lot of time. Depending on which operation I’m implementing, I might need to print at different line. It felt repetitive to do that.

Hence, I decided to write a vim command to insert the println! code snippet! By the end of this short post, we will have a :Rd (Rust debug) command that take it a argument and output the print statement.

:Rd node
"=> will insert println!("{:?}", node) into our file.

What is a command?

Before we go into writing our own vim command, let’s briefly talk about what’s even a command in vim. A command is basically, the thing you run by using :. One of the example is the vim-fugitive command to show your git diff:

:Git diff

A user-defined command always start with a capital letter.

Defining a command

It turns out defining a command is pretty straightforward, by using the :command command. From :help command:

:com[mand][!] [{attr}...] {cmd} {repl}
			Define a user command.  The name of the command is
			{cmd} and its replacement text is {repl}.  The
			command's attributes (see below) are {attr}.  If the
			command already exists, an error is reported, unless a
			! is specified, in which case the command is
			redefined.  There is one exception: When sourcing a
			script again, a command that was previously defined in
			that script will be silently replaced.

So let’s define a simple command. Add the following to the end of your .vimrc:

:command MyCommand echo "Hello World"

After that, we can open up our vim and run :MyCommand and it should show in the space where we insert our command:

Hello World

Good start, but not what we want. We want the command to be inserting text into our current file.

Command to insert text

If we want to insert text, we will need to use the :put command, which is similar to the p in normal mode.

:command MyCommand put "Hello World"

But this doesn’t work as expected, running :MyCommand will just paste the previously yanked text. Here’s what’s the docs said from :help put:

:[line]pu[t] [x]
      Put the text [from register x] after [line] (default
			current line).  This always works |linewise|, thus
			this command can be used to put a yanked block as new
			If no register is specified, it depends on the 'cb'
			option: If 'cb' contains "unnamedplus", paste from the
			+ register |quoteplus|.  Otherwise, if 'cb' contains
			"unnamed", paste from the * register |quotestar|.
			Otherwise, paste from the unnamed register

Since we didn’t specified any register, it’s pasting content from our "" register, which is the unnamed register.

If you don’t know how register in vim work, headover to another article of mine here.

To paste an expression, we will need to use the expression register "=, as mentioned in the docs:

:[line]pu[t] [x]

			The register can also be '=' followed by an optional
			expression.  The expression continues until the end of
			the command.  You need to escape the '|' and '"'
			characters to prevent them from terminating the
			command.  Example: >
				:put ='path' . \",/test\"
			If there is no expression after '=', Vim uses the
			previous expression.  You can see it with ":dis =".

So, let’s fix our previous mistake:

:command MyCommand put ='Hello World'

Now MyCommand will insert Hello World after our current line in our file opening in vim.

Taking in argument in our command

To take in command in our custom vim command, we will need to specify the attribute while defining our command. Here’s the documentation from :help command:

Argument handling ~                         *E175* *E176* *:command-nargs*
By default, a user defined command will take no arguments (and an error is
reported if any are supplied).  However, it is possible to specify that the
command can take arguments, using the -nargs attribute.  Valid cases are:

	-nargs=0    No arguments are allowed (the default)
	-nargs=1    Exactly one argument is required, it includes spaces
	-nargs=*    Any number of arguments are allowed (0, 1, or many),
		    separated by white space
	-nargs=?    0 or 1 arguments are allowed
	-nargs=+    Arguments must be supplied, but any number are allowed

Arguments are considered to be separated by (unescaped) spaces or tabs in this
context, except when there is one argument, then the white space is part of
the argument.

Note that arguments are used as text, not as expressions.  Specifically,
"s:var" will use the script-local variable in the script where the command was
defined, not where it is invoked!  Example:
    script1.vim: >
	:let s:error = "None"
	:command -nargs=1 Error echoerr <args>
<   script2.vim: >
	:source script1.vim
	:let s:error = "Wrong!"
	:Error s:error
Executing script2.vim will result in "None" being echoed.  Not what you
intended!  Calling a function may be an alternative.

Key takeaways here are we need to use -ngargs=1 to specify we take in a single argument and use <args> for the placeholder where we want to substitute our text.

With all these information provided, perhaps give it a try try to write the :Rd command yourself?

:Rd node
"=> will insert println!("{:?}", node) into our file.

Purposely leave blank for anyone who want to take on the challenge…

Final Solution

Here’s the vim command to insert the Rust print debugging code snippet:

:command -nargs=1 Rd put ='println!(\"<args>: {:?}\", <args>);'

That’s all, sweet and simple. This post is not possible without the following StackOverflow question:

And here’s some other resources you might be interested: