
May 26, 2022

Implementing tests rerun in `` in Elixir

Estimated Reading Time: 11 minutes (2197 words)

TLDR: Read the diff of the PR. It’s just 3 files changes, 65 lines of addition and 2 lines of deletion. Half of the addition is probably test.

One of the challenges I faced when I’m writing the Livebook for my Writing a simple Redis Protocol parser in Elixir post is to rerun test that has been written.

Once a test is run in Livebook, executing again doesn’t rerun the test, unless you redefine the module. To reduce the duplicated test code in Livebook, we can use the following Module.create/3 hack:

test_content =
  quote do
    use ExUnit.Case

    test "it pass" do
      assert MyMath.add(2, 2) == 4

    test "it fails" do
      refute MyMath.add(2, 2) == 5

Module.create(SampleTest, test_content, Macro.Env.location(__ENV__))

defmodule MyMath do
  def add(a, b) do
    # wrong impl
    a - b

Module.create(SampleTest, test_content, Macro.Env.location(__ENV__))

We call Module.create to redefine the SampleTest module which then “refresh” the state of our ExUnit (it’s not exactly refresh, but for now you can understand it that way).

I tweeted about it and got this reply:

Hence, I began my journey to implement ExUnit.rerun/1 to support reruning test modules. In this post, I’m going to share how I approach implementing this without knowing much about the Elixir codebase. It can be breakdown in the following sections:

Since I know nothing much about ExUnit, the very first thing I do is to read the code. I start with reading the implementation:

defmodule ExUnit do
  # ...

  def run() do
    _ = ExUnit.Server.modules_loaded()
    options = persist_defaults(configuration()), nil)

The code is fairly straightforward. From here we know that, the code rely on ExUnit.Server and ExUnit.Runner modules. Since the probably contains the core implementation of how tests get run, let’s head over there and read the code as well.

The implementation is a bit lengthy due to the need of handling various stuff, so we will skip to the important parts. Essentially, looks roughly like this:

def run(opts, load_us) do
  # .... trapping signal
  run_with_trap(opts, load_us)

def run_with_trap(opts, load_us) do
  # .... some setup code

  start_time = System.monotonic_time()
  EM.suite_started(config.manager, opts)
  async_stop_time = async_loop(config, %{}, false)
  stop_time = System.monotonic_time()

  # .... some other code to compute stats

Basically, run called run_with_trap, which then called async_loop. So async_loop is the real deal here. Let’s take a look at it’s implementation:

defp async_loop(config, running, async_once?) do
  available = config.max_cases - map_size(running)

  cond do
    # No modules available, wait for one
    available <= 0 ->
      running = wait_until_available(config, running)
      async_loop(config, running, async_once?)

    # Slots are available, start with async modules
    modules = ExUnit.Server.take_async_modules(available) ->
      running = spawn_modules(config, modules, running)
      async_loop(config, running, true)

    true ->
      sync_modules = ExUnit.Server.take_sync_modules()

      # Wait for all async modules
      0 =
        |> Enum.reduce(running, fn _, acc -> wait_until_available(config, acc) end)
        |> map_size()

      async_stop_time = if async_once?, do: System.monotonic_time(), else: nil

      # Run all sync modules directly
      for module <- sync_modules do
        running = spawn_modules(config, [module], %{})
        running != %{} and wait_until_available(config, running)


It’s straightforward to understand the code. It is roughly equivalent to:

Here we came across ExUnit.Server again, most notably the take_sync_modules and take_async_modules functions. We can know quite a bit from the names. It is how the get the test modules to be run.

Upon knowing how run our tests, and knowing that it’s basically taking the test modules from ExUnit.Server, the next thing we want to figure out is how are those test modules are added in the first place. Since, ExUnit.rerun/1 is about adding those test modules again so that it would be rerun, we will need to know how to add test modules as well. Let’s take a look at the ExUnit.Server module next.


Upon looking at the module, we see what we wanted:

defmodule ExUnit.Server do
  @moduledoc false
  @name __MODULE__
  @timeout :infinity

  use GenServer

  def start_link(_opts) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, name: @name)

  def add_async_module(name), do: add(name, :async)
  def add_sync_module(name), do: add(name, :sync)

  defp add(name, type) do
    case, {:add, name, type}, @timeout) do
      :ok ->

      :already_running ->
        raise "cannot add #{type} case named #{inspect(name)} to test suite after the suite starts running"

  # ...

That’s how we add the module into ExUnit.Server. Since it’s a GenServer, it means that it’s also the process that is holding the states of the modules available to be run by ExUnit.Runner.

Let’s look at the handle_call/3 function that handle {:add, name, type}:

def handle_call({:add, name, :async}, _from, %{loaded: loaded} = state)
    when is_integer(loaded) do
  state = update_in(state.async_modules, &[name | &1])
  {:reply, :ok, take_modules(state)}

def handle_call({:add, name, :sync}, _from, %{loaded: loaded} = state)
    when is_integer(loaded) do
  state = update_in(state.sync_modules, &[name | &1])
  {:reply, :ok, state}

def handle_call({:add, _name, _type}, _from, state),
  do: {:reply, :already_running, state}

The code update the async_modules and sync_modules values in the state. Do we have now have enough information to work on our ExUnit.rerun/1? Mostly likely yes!

Implementing ExUnit.rerun/1

After having all these information and knowledge, implementing the minimal working version of ExUnit.rerun/1 is straightforward.

Copy the code from, accept a list of modules as argument, loop through it and called add_sync_module:

def rerun(modules) do
  for module <- modules do

  _ = ExUnit.Server.modules_loaded()
  options = persist_defaults(configuration()), nil)

It’s not working unless we prove otherwise, so let’s write a test case as well. In lib/ex_unit/test/ex_unit_test.exs, add :

Code.require_file("test_helper.exs", __DIR__)

defmodule ExUnitTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  # other tests case ...

  test "supports rerunning given modules" do
    defmodule SampleAsyncTest do
      use ExUnit.Case, async: true

      test "true" do
        assert false

    defmodule SampleSyncTest do
      use ExUnit.Case

      test "true" do
        assert false

    defmodule IgnoreTest do
      use ExUnit.Case

      test "true" do
        assert false


    assert capture_io(fn ->
             assert == %{
                      failures: 3,
                      skipped: 0,
                      total: 3,
                      excluded: 0
           end) =~ "\n3 tests, 3 failures\n"

    assert capture_io(fn ->
             assert ExUnit.rerun([SampleSyncTest, SampleAsyncTest]) == %{
                      failures: 2,
                      skipped: 0,
                      total: 2,
                      excluded: 0
           end) =~ "\n2 tests, 2 failures\n"

We are just copying the test case of supports many runs and loads and make some modification to suit our need.

We define 3 different test modules, one for sync, one for async and one that will no be rerun. We first trigger to simulate the test running through once and trigger ExUnit.rerun/1 with the test modules we wanted to rerun.

For assertion, we basically assert:

Print debugger beware of capture_io

When I first wrote the test and trying to use IO.inspect or any sort of print debugging to figure out how things work, I was so confused by why nothing is printed out.

I ended up putting it off this work for a couple of days. When I came back working on it again, I managed to find out it’s because of we are capturing IO in our test, hence all the IO.inspect output is captured and not printed out.

You might be wondering:

Hey, this isn’t totally correct, our async modules is added as sync module…

That’s correct. Hence, it’s our minimal working implementation. Next, we are going to conditionally call the add_async_module and add_sync_module.

Conditionally adding sync and async module

How do we know if a test module is marked as async? The quickest way to find out is to see how the existing code work! Let’s do a quick search on the Elixir codebase on those function. With that, I found out that ExUnit.Case is one of the caller of the function:

@doc false
def __after_compile__(%{module: module}, _) do
  if Module.get_attribute(module, :ex_unit_async) do

After compiling a test module, the add module function is called. That explained why in the beginning our tests can be rerun once we redefine/recreate our test modules.

And the Module.get_attribute/2 function is used to find out if a test module is async. Let’s use this information we just gained to implement what we want then:

def rerun(modules) do
  for module <- modules do
    if Module.get_attribute(module, :ex_unit_async) do

  _ = ExUnit.Server.modules_loaded()
  options = persist_defaults(configuration()), nil)

Upon running the test, we got an error:

** (ArgumentError) could not call Module.get_attribute/2 because the module ExUnitTest.SampleSyncTest is already compiled.
Use the Module.__info__/1 callback or Code.fetch_docs/1 instead

It seems like we can’t use Module.get_attribute/2 after a module is compiled. Thanks to the helpful error message, we know how to overcome it. Let’s use the Module.__info__/1 callback instead:

for module <- additional_modules do
  module_attributes = module.__info__(:attributes)

  if Keyword.fetch!(module_attributes, :ex_unit_async) do

As mentioned in the Module.__info__/1 callback doc, we could get the attributes of a module by passing in :attributes atom, which return us a keyword list.

We then use Keyword.fetch!/2 to fetch the attribute we wanted. Using fetch! will catch the scenario where :ex_unit_async attribute is not available in our list and our code end up calling add_sync_module for async modules again.

In my PR, I’m using Keyword.get/2 instead. It’s only when I write this post, I realize that while our test pass, it’s not behaving correctly as well.

To demonstrate it, Keyword.fetch!/2 is used instead.

Running our test again, we got another error instead:

** (KeyError) key :ex_unit_async not found in: [vsn: [92364997537872194208385758077352902316]]

Why does it works on Modules.get_attribute/2 and not with Module.__info__/1? Let’s read the documentation again to see if we miss out anything. Here’s what the docs said about Module.__info__(:attributes):

:attributes - a keyword list with all persisted attributes

Hmm, it mentioned list of all persisted attributes. Does that mean the ex_unit_async is not persisted?

Persisting the ex_unit_async attribute

By searching persisted in the documentation, we can see a few places mentioned it, and most importantly, the Module.register_attribute/3 function:

When registering an attribute, two options can be given:

:accumulate - several calls to the same attribute will accumulate instead of overriding the previous one. New attributes are always added to the top of the accumulated list.

:persist - the attribute will be persisted in the Erlang Abstract Format. Useful when interfacing with Erlang libraries.

Seems like all we need to do is calling Module.register_attribute/3 to persist the ex_unit_async module attribute. But where?

Once again, searching for the ex_unit_async in the codebase lead us to ExUnit.Case:

def __register__(module, opts) do

  # ...

  attributes = [
    before_compile: ExUnit.Case,
    after_compile: ExUnit.Case,
    ex_unit_async: false

  Enum.each(attributes, fn {k, v} -> Module.put_attribute(module, k, v) end)

  # ...

By default, ExUnit.Case does not persist the attribute. To fix this is rather straightforward:

def __register__(module, opts) do
  # ...

  persisted_attributes = [:ex_unit_async]
  Enum.each(persisted_attributes, &Module.register_attribute(module, &1, persist: true))

  attributes = [
    before_compile: ExUnit.Case,
    after_compile: ExUnit.Case,
    ex_unit_async: false

  Enum.each(attributes, fn {k, v} -> Module.put_attribute(module, k, v) end)

  # ...

With this changes, now our test run successfully!

Asking question

In actual, I did not figure out the register_attribute part myself. Instead, I ask about it in my PR:

However, didn’t have any luck with it as Modules.get_attribute/3 won’t work as the test module have been compiled. Tried using module.__info__(:attributes) as well, but upon inspecting I only have the vsn key … Probably need some pointers here

And in a couple of hours, José Valim reply it:

You will need to say that :ex_unit_async is a persisted attribute via Module.register_attribute :)

If you’re stuck on anything after trying a couple times, there’s no harm asking question about it!

The reason I didn’t include it above is to demonstrate how I could have figured out if I spend a bit more time on it.


In the PR, the rerun/1 implementation was move to run/1 instead. So in the latest branch, now takes an optional list of modules to be run.

When I first saw the reply from @livebookdev, I thought it is a simple change! In reality, the process of implementing it is not quite easy, but still manageable.

The whole process for implementing this take roughly a week for me. It would be shorter if I’m less blur. Once I’m in a better condition, the actual work took around 2 days to implement and the PR got merged in a day once the PR is up.

In retrospect, the changes do looks simple.

The Elixir codebase is easy to navigate and José Valim has been really responsive in providing feedbacks and guidance. Hopefully this post shed some light for you and encourage you to contribute to the Elixir ecosystem as well!